Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sean Cody Favorite Top

knows that recycling all right

My mom is very active in the parish of Our Neighbourhood participate in the harvest as a reader, runs after-school activities, is secretary once a week .. and so on. Also I have proposed over the years and participated in initiatives and activities, and sometimes it just falling back (!). This year, for example, I organized and managed - together with a friend - one of the stands during a game earlier this year the usual feast of oratory. The last editions were disastrously marked by time, and this year we have been pardoned, the sun, without intrusive but surely, there has even abandoned for a while! This has ensured the success of all proposals.
After Mass in the morning were the stands of open play, organized in the name of recycling:
- the first had to be able to knock down the imposing pyramids of cans weighed down by some 'ground;
- needed in the second center of the colorful jars of sauce made with milk kindly provided by some pizzerias in the area;
- in the third (mine) had to commit to fish at least three of the fake fish floating in a clear pools, so you can win .. a real fish! It had been years that the goldfish is not peeking in my oratory. When I was small, however, were a must. I've got so many losers, and many remember names and vicissitudes. My brother won two now fins and gills are your favorite friends! (In the picture below the note that we handed to children to enable them to keep playing and come and pick the fish before returning home).
I realized the fish to be fished with rigid plastic used in the copy center to cover the records and notes. When - a few months ago - I finished university I have kept aside several sheets, hoping to be able to find a second use also decent. I hope I've made it!
The eyes of fish are simple bottle caps, the hook on the tail instead of the circle that is separated from the caps as soon as the bottles are opened. Fishing rods are balloon sticks, which I tied a string and a paper clip slightly open.
Children who, for various reasons, chose not to pick up the little fish, they could choose between two "consolation prizes" like a fish to catch or boat made from old maps and enhanced with special anchor .. a plastic cap! I liked the association world "geographic" world - "environmental" and I must say that more than one child has chosen this gadget and liked it.

The party then was driven by very large inflatable available to all children, a food stand where you can buy a lot of treats, a puppet show in the afternoon and karaoke in the evening. A day that I lived with intensity and during which I played, I chatted with a lot of people that I am always happy to review and I enjoyed it!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Worksheet Find The Hazzards

Potpourry beautiful things! Some

I repeat this experience in the network is giving me a lot of satisfaction. A few days ago I received a really nice mail: Sara was , blog Nest Ale, which I wrote for me a good luck for the commitment of last Saturday (I'll tell you!) And report a post dedicated to her .. me! A combination of beautiful words, which I really appreciated. Are confirmed, this, that sometimes good for the soul and make you want to get up after falling ruinous. So thank you Sara!

before the holidays then I received the agenda Quo Vadis , I requested free of charge as operates a blog (for Find out more click here !).
I, among the many themes available, I chose "my happy moments, with the hope of being able to fill those pages of accomplishments, special people known, organized parties, successes.
In fact when I received then I needed a notebook in which to mark all the materials already available to the parties and those to be recovered, the progress of the leaflets in Milan and the areas still to be covered .. In short, a medium that helps me keep the ranks of and not miss a bit. Quo Vadis agenda was up to the task! I advise everyone to try it.

last piece of this puzzle is for post- Zerorelativo , an online barter site more vibrant and interesting: the barter assets now are many and it is virtually impossible not to find what you are looking for.
I knew this initiative for some time, but only a month ago I started my trade in all respects .. and it is amazing! Surprising to find how many unnecessary things around us and touch the same things can be valuable, if not "essential" for someone else. Even through I did Zerorelativo interesting knowledge: it is Katia, who in his blog Thousand ideas in a cup proposed ideas are always original and funny. Here's my potpourry!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cervix Softened Right Before Period

ideuzza .. in view of my first blog candy! Spread

The last post has led to an unexpected series of comments, compliments, questions, suggestions .. how nice! That's what I like most about blogs: the chance to see their words enriched by the contributions - always intelligent, positive, selfless - all, as well as see appreciate their ideas, their proposals, their creative sketches. But

said .. That famous
note distributed among friends and relatives are, as mentioned, a real success: the cabinets that I saved from the dust of the floor were invaded by boxes of bottle caps, cores of rolls of toilet paper, jars of baby food .. but also of what I made with this material! Let's start with
videocassette tapes routes.
I still have a VCR, so the boxes are not yet out of my life: I look at it often, because the passion for film has allowed me - over the years - to earn a lot.
But some have succumbed to wear and time, becoming unusable. So what to do with those black stripes so shiny and beautiful? I Have made some pompoms (identical to those reserved to aspiring princesses pink) to be used to go wild during the holiday of witches and ghosts. The yield was remarkable: three videos I managed to make 20 pairs of pom-poms.

I jars of baby food, I like to die are children too, with that round and Paciocco. A friend has a baby a year and a half and it consumes at least twice a day .. guaranteed delivery! Currently the jars recovered were washed, deprived of the strip of paper wrapped and boxed them: what I want to do is paint the lid of a beautiful bright color, stuck on a little surprise of kinder eggs and fill them with candy. Maybe I could also add a ribbon and a card, but I have to study well.

you enough for now? The rest I keep myself in Serbian for the next post, because my digital camera broke and the jobs I'd also like to see them to you .. And then I'm preparing my first blog candy ! I'm waiting I recommend .. Good night, see you soon

Friday, September 4, 2009

Invitation Letter To Visit Kosovo

recycling Back to encourage creativity

I am convinced that, to put the Little Prince, "we require from each what each can give," daring, however, that is by offering incentives and making sure that everyone can freely decide whether to collect or ignore them.
With these aims and this serenity I have created and distributed among a few friends a little reminder to stick to the fridge, along with a magnet do-it-yourself to render ineffective any alibi ..
I needed it to recover over the summer as many caps, plastic and cork, bottom of plastic bottles, CDs are no longer usable, Bussolotti and jars of baby food as possible. I request the widespread even among people not particularly sensitive to recycling newspaper or creative, but my appeal has collected accessions also superior to the most optimistic expectations!
More than one person calls me when something has invited me home to pick up everything, then I say they have in turn shared the lead with colleagues and acquaintances, they all immediately stuck my package at home so you can keep an eye (I verified!).
I believe that this small success proves that good habits is enough to trigger from the simplest gestures and make them "nice" in my case I think they have acted as a stimulus for the fact of knowing who would have had to make the effort (a friend ) and for what purpose (to contribute to my nascent business).
These few lines to share an awareness that gives me hope: you really can strive together for a healthier world and spread this imperative!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rice Krispie Treats Ingredients

recharged, enriched, fun!

I think we have just concluded one of the best summers of my life. The field of Vicenza with University Constructors was a wonderful experience: the physical work, the house every day more and more ready acceptance of which will become the promoter of the people to know which floor plan stories, experiences and dreams, the beauty of feeling useful and rediscover itself through the eyes of the curious of the other, the goodness of sipped a beer in the dark of night and with the right company .. truly a perfect week, to be repeated.
The parenthesis mountain quasi-family that is then followed it went smooth as expected: the brother-in-waiting has been known to be lively, and the presence of a friend for a few days made the holiday less "predictable" they also give you the confidence that both times I "fill in".
Finally, after a week in the desert Milan (one of the rare moments when I appreciate my home town), I'm back with the backpacker to Prague .. a city ME-RA-VI-SA-tion! A swarm of people, languages, breathtaking views, to cross bridges, towers to climb, clocks to record the strokes, exhibits, wildlife .. everything you want in your house enlarged.
A city ordered built as skillfully and wisely given to people: tourists in Prague is made to suit all budgets and all desires, including the most original or unusual, but does not know or superficial artifact, turn it up and down allows us - as there were then in the last week of August - even breathe the air of "true", "daily" and to observe the routines and characters most characteristic angles less bright and breweries bolder.
Bella. The advice to all and hope to come back, perhaps in the winter season.
Source: Flickr, albums Komma_ ( My traveling companion)

My summer was full, however, over that travel and travel, even creative projects to take forward and to share .. in the coming days so many post about my latest progress!