I just started getting comfortable with the web-blog and the management of my little space, and I already know all of you, move with agility between tips and techniques, be colored part of your universe.
In addition to this there is the fact that in recent months - now we'll end with this story - I'm trying to set my business of "entertainment Sustainable Home" aims not only to individuals but also in bars, schools dance, libraries. Milan and papering my posters and flyers. I strongly believe in this project but I know that I'm trying to bring the field is extremely complicated and competitive, so I need as much advertising "healthy" as possible!
So why not propose right now my first blog candy?! Here is my proposal!
- Anyone wishing to participate must to leave a comment to this post and bring back the news on his blog, using the dedicated banner below and publishing the site address http://www.civuoleunfiorebimbi.tk/ ;
- You can join the blog candy until October 31, 2009 . On November 1, 2009 will proceed to the extraction of two winners, who will win a tulip wall paper (this is not my production, I admit, but being a flower seemed more than adequate) and 10 nice decorations for the 'Christmas tree made by me with recycled and scrap of wax crayons. Will post pictures as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I show you the remember that will be awarded all participants .. the boat environmentally friendly! Yes, because his "mantle" speaks of the many trips they have done, that has reached many places, the many roads traveled, and his life jacket in the shape of flower and its still-cap and tell us instead of traveling " use "the world's practices are lawful if made with reference balances (balance what could be more of an anchor well-placed in the ground?) environment and its needs.
I really hope that many will participate!
am curious .. Good day
In addition to this there is the fact that in recent months - now we'll end with this story - I'm trying to set my business of "entertainment Sustainable Home" aims not only to individuals but also in bars, schools dance, libraries. Milan and papering my posters and flyers. I strongly believe in this project but I know that I'm trying to bring the field is extremely complicated and competitive, so I need as much advertising "healthy" as possible!
So why not propose right now my first blog candy?! Here is my proposal!
- Anyone wishing to participate must to leave a comment to this post and bring back the news on his blog, using the dedicated banner below and publishing the site address http://www.civuoleunfiorebimbi.tk/ ;

am curious .. Good day
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