Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Maytag Quiet Series 400 Clean Filter
As promised in my previous post here by my colleague placed the necklaces.
To respond to the comment of zula73 , I did not reinsert a change but only because the other route, because a little ruined.
So here they are:
This is broken, missing some golden dividers, so I opted these separators for silver.
This is where you see the detail better.
The closure is a snap round large enough given the size of the pearls.
This, however, I replaced the dividers (also gold), which were now all faded, with natural-colored glass beads. The closure
I managed to find identical to the old (what luck).
Greetings to all.
the next post.
Example Of Community Service Completion Letter
- download and open my Xcode project linked below
- copy GlossGradientButton files group into your project
- #import "GlossGradientButton.h" into the target View header
- write the following code into the target View implementation :
GlossGradientButton *glossGradientButton =
[[ GlossGradientButton alloc ]
initWithFrame : CGRectMake ( 75 , 164 , 170 , 80 )
withCornerRadius : 20
withTint :
[ UIColor colorWithRed : 0 green : 0.403 blue : 0.813 alpha : 1 ]
withBorderWidth : 1
withBorderColor :
[ UIColor colorWithRed : 0 green : 0.403 blue : 0.813 alpha : 1 ]
withTextColor :
[ UIColor whiteColor ]
withFont :
[ UIFont fontWithName : @"Marker Felt" size : 20 ]];
[glossGradientButton setTitle : @"Tap me!"
forState : UIControlStateNormal ];
[ self . view addSubview :glossGradientButton];
[glossGradientButton release ];
Very useful links:
- http://cocoawithlove.com/2008/09/drawing-gloss-gradients-in-coregraphics.html
- http://howtomakeiphoneapps.com/2009/08/how-to-draw-shapes-with-core-graphics/
- http://github.com/ars/uicolor-utilities
- http://bravobug.com/news/?p=448
- http://forums.macrumors.com/archive/index.php/t-929858.html
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2385046/uiview-rounded-corners-question
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2503721/how-listen-for-uibutton-state-change
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/565989/adding-left-button-to-uinavigationbar-iphone
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/227078/creating-a-left-arrow-button-like- uinavigationbars-back-style-on-a-uitoolbar
Monday, July 26, 2010
Does Myammee Wear A Weave
Dreaming of the Serengeti, Patrizia Rossini-1 prize cat. Traditional |
Dream realized Francesca Novello Award-2nd cat. Traditional The Secret Garden by Simonetta Marini - 3rd prize cat. Traditional OniriClaudia Belluzzi - 1st prize cat. Modern Orka Vortex Silvia Aare - 2nd prize cat. Modern unstable harmonies of Simon Zoppi - 3rd prize cat. Modern |
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Orenge Scooter Wheels
............ but this time to repair.
My colleague asked me: "But you only make them the jewels or even fix them?".
answer: "Dunno, I do not know, depends on how they are made."
So I bring these two series, are simple, single threaded, but the first has all the gold separators that are faded and broken clasp closure, while the second has just broken the thread of nylon and used as separators in all faded before.
A short visit to my shop with confidence, tools, some cool (if I turn the air conditioner does not come) and see what comes out.
few days I hope to show results.
Good Sunday to all.